Thursday, January 8, 2015

Camels and Burial Mounds


The morning dawns clear and warm, and we decide to spend the morning planning the rest of the week.  There are so many things to do, but I would like to focus on things that I can't do anywhere else.  So, we decide that we will have a bit of lunch, and then check out the things that are close by, within walking distance.  It is really warm out (actually, it feels hot and humid to me), but we are in a Muslim country, so long pants and tshirts are required.  And bottles of water, and sunblock, and sunglasses...

Our first stop is the camel farm that is only a short 10 minute walk from Alex and Daya's villa.  Here they raise camels, mostly for preservation, but also for milk.  They are really dromedaries, only one hump, but are just as cute.  About 100 camels reside at the farm, and I have a blast, taking pictures.

From there, we walk to an archaelogical dig of several burial mounds, just around the corner, interesting largely because of the size of the mounds.

Finding that they are constructing new residential buildings close by, we wonder if more mounds were there that were simply plowed under, glad that there were some that had been preserved.  The landscape is so different from what I'm used to, that I must take a photo or two.

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