Friday, March 15, 2024

NZ2024 - Leg 19, March 14 - Hanmer Springs - Surprise!

 Hanmer Springs was never on the list of places to see.  Not once did we think we would get there, at least, not this trip.  I'd heard of the hot springs, of the exclusive hotel, of the Aspen, CO type vibe.  Not that it didn't appeal to me, there were just so many things on the list that it didn't seem possible.

But....  funny how the universe works.  After spending the day yesterday in Christchurch, and realizing that we had already knocked off pretty much everything we had wanted to do that we could do, Linda noticed a sign saying the Hanmer Springs was only about an hour and a half drive away.  And we had a car.  We could go just drive around and see what was there, have lunch and come back in time to do some laundry and have drinks with Ed and Loretta.

When we woke, it was already pretty nice out, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the forecast for Hanmer Springs was about 19C and sunny.  Perfect!  It took a while to get away from the city due to the time we left - about 9 - after finding a coffee and a muffin at Cafe Kudos, only a couple of blocks from the hotel.  Traffic was busy, but not the stop and go that we get where we live.

Once we were out on the open road we enjoyed the scenery and the condition of the roads - mostly flat and somewhat straight - it seemed odd, somehow.  The road from Christchurch to Hanmer Springs follows roughly a route between two mountain ranges, and across Weka Pass.  So the view is often a series of mountains in the distance on each side.  Different than what we've seen for the most part over the past three weeks, but just as lovely.  Especially with the blue skies and not much haze.  


At one point, a big hand painted sign shouts "BLACKBERRIES" and an arrow points toward the left.  I love blackberries, and home grown berries of any kind get my vote, so left I go and follow the directions to a house tucked in away from the road.  A young man about 14 years old sees me peeking in the window, and comes and opens it, allowing me entry.  There are two sizes available, the smaller is only $5 and that suits me just fine.

An hour or so later, after seeing some beautiful spots to pull over on the way back and take some photos (we are hoping to get up there in time to explore before lunch), we arrive in a lovely small town with plenty of free parking within walking distance of the town centre.  We wander around a bit, enjoying some window shopping - and maybe a bit of actual shopping - and enjoy the warmth of the sun at the same time as the autumn freshness in the air.  We find the spa, although decide to not explore it further - we simply don't have time.  And the biggest little library we've ever seen.  

And the Hanmer Springs Hotel - a place I am unlikely to ever stay, I just don't make that kind of money!

Lunch is at Monteith's Brewery - not the one in Greymouth, obviously.  The young lady who takes our order has a familiar accent - and we learn she is Canadian!  We quickly slip into easy conversation, having that in common, and she seems grateful to meet someone from her home country.  We enjoy our lunch even more, also grateful to have met a fellow Canuck.  A bit more wandering, where we see the cutest little carts/bikes and wish we had time to try one.

The trip back to Christchurch is relaxing, and we find a couple of spots to pull off and take a couple of photos.  Interesting rock formations (to be pulled from the "big camera" at some point), an old bridge that was just as pretty as the scene viewed from it.  

When we get back, we are just in time to do our laundry at the hotel, which is amazing, since we're both feeling like we have just about run out of clean clothes again.  Doing a month with just a carryon and a backpack has it's advantages, but also it's disadvantages.  Fortunately, most places seem to have guest laundry, some charge a nominal fee for use, others are free.  We've been fortunate to have this available almost every place we've stayed so far.

After laundry, we are planning to meet Ed and Loretta for drinks at some point, but first we have to have something to eat and get the rental car back to the airport.  Ed graciously offers to pick us up after dropping off the rental, and although Loretta is unable to join us, we all go for a couple of drinks downtown.  More great conversation at The Fox pub, and then it's time for us to get to bed.  Tomorrow we'll be taking the Coastal Pacific Scenic Rail journey from Christchurch to Kaikoura, and it leaves at 7 a.m.  We need our sleep!

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